Saturday, October 27, 2018

Origin and Proposal of Domino Qiu Qiu's Game

Domino is a kind of generic card game. In Indonesia, it is usually shaped as a small 3x5 cm card, with a yellow base color that has endol-endol that functions or substitutes numbers.

Dominoes sometimes become friends to just fill your free time and just gather with friends by playing it the atmosphere will look more familiar. Media in bermai

Domino is usually in the form of small blocks of cards and pictured round - red rounds in various numbers from the smallest cards with blank values ​​to the highest cards with a score of 6/6. Domino is more often played by players from the lower class and very rarely do we find elites who play this type of card game.

In fact, according to historical records, when it was first made, Domino was one of the offerings of a palace servant to the emperor. At that time only the nobility could play it.

Origin and Proposal of Domino Qiu Qiu's Game

The written Domino history has several versions. However, all versions agreed that the game Domino was born in China. The first version states that the game Domino began to be known in 1120 AD. The second version revealed that the dominoes began to be played by soldiers called Hung Ming around 181 - 234 AD.

Other historians convey the third version that Domino was known during Keung T'ai Kung's time, around 1,100 BC. But Chinese tradition historians, Chu sz yam trust the first version. According to him, this game was made by a civil servant and presented to Emperor Hui Tsung in 1120.

Domino was originally the game most favored by the Nobles.

Now this game has become one of the most popular games especially in the era of internet technology and computerization like today. Basically this game is played in groups and it seems that it has become a tradition in Indonesia if dominoes are always the third fun friend to watch for certain events or events.

Michael Dummet once wrote one of the short writings in the Game of section, intersecting with the introduction of Dominoes in the European Region, especially Italy, perhaps in Venice and Naples, in the 18th century.

Although the Domino cards were clearly from China, due to this debate whether the makers came from Europe or came from China to Europe in the fourteenth century or were created independently.
The written history of Domino gave rise to many different versions but it was clear from all the versions that it was agreed that the game Domino was first born and known in China.